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Housewife vs. Career Wife? Debate & Practice English!

“The condition of your wife reflects to the world the kind of man you are.”
Housewife vs Career wife, which one would you prefer?
Is it better to have a housewife or a career wife when raising kids?
Better for who?
For the husband? For the wife? For the kids?
Come next Friday, on February 12th, at 7 p.m. and debate with us!

After the debate we will have some fun discussing idioms with our friend Scott, an American native speaker.
We’ll have a second session with handouts to help Romanians improve their English.

Topics include:
– Common mistakes heard while speaking English during the Debate session
– Fun and useful phrases and idioms

Price: 45 lei / person (drinks & snacks & handouts included)

Discount for students and loyal participants: 25 lei!
